In this 2-day retreat in Bellingham, Washington, learn how to handle intense emotions and transform helplessness into empowerment with world-renowned guest trainer from Poland, Aga Rzewuska-Paca.

In this two-day intensive, you will:

✅Find your personal “place of power” that you can come back to regardless of external circumstances
✅Communicate your boundaries with clarity and care
✅Learn how to manage intense emotions in a way that supports both you and your relationships
✅Receive materials and practices to bring your workshop experience into your everyday reality

About the Trainer:
Aga Rzewuska-Paca is a certified NVC trainer from Poland specializing in practices that combine body-awareness and Nonviolent Communication that she calls “NVC in Motion.” She is a free spirit with a great appetite for life. She is a seeker of meaning and life fulfillment, and is convinced that every person has a sage inside who knows what is best for them. It is her passion to support people in connecting to their inner power and wisdom.


This course jumps right in to a specific application of NVC, and as such we will not be going over introductory concepts.
A minimum pre-requisite for this class is a 2-to-3 hour introductory workshop.
This will help us focus questions to the specific application of NVC Aga is bringing to us, and reassure us of the skilled container we want to have for her workshop.
The weekend NVC Deep Basics on January 12-13, or the 2.5 hour evening Intro at the Downtown Co-op Connections Building on Jan 22 — both in Bellingham — are great opportunities to fulfill this pre-requisite.

If neither of these fit for you, but you are motivated to make it happen, contact Tess, and she’ll work with you to figure something out.